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Ongoing projects

Name of the project and donorPromoting Inclusiveness and Respect for Human Rights in the Media in North Macedonia, funded by Canada Fund for Local Initiatives 

Duration: 01.07.2020 – 28.02.2021

Budget: 16,264 EUR

Overall objective

Strengthening the fight against discrimination and promotion of inclusivity in the media in North Macedonia. 

Specific objective(s):  

Improved capacities among key stakeholders to combat discrimination in the media and promote inclusivity in North Macedonia. 
The action aims to support the fight against discrimination and promote inclusivity and respect for human rights in the media through several approaches.

Name of the project and donor: Institutional support for the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia, funded by Civica Mobilitas

Duration: 01.07.2020 – 30.06.2021

Budget: 27,214 EUR


To strengthen the understanding and increase the awareness for the self-regulation role and media literacy in the professionalization of the media sphere.
To strengthen the communication and the trust between the media, the journalists and the citizens with the CMEM, which may lead towards increasing of CMEM’s members and the affirmation of the professional media reporting.
To improve the coordination and the collaboration between CMEM’s stakeholders on national and international level, towards promotion of the media reporting professionalism. 
To provide continuous involvement and contribution of the CMEM in the media reforms discussions, implementation and upgrade of the legislation in the media, as well as improved coordination with all relevant parties.
Organizational development and growth.

Name of the project and donor: Media self-regulation for improvement and enhancing of media professionalism in the age of disinformation and fake news, funded by UNESCO and EU 

Duration: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2020

Budget: 21,963 EUR


To continue with the efforts to mobilize media to get involved in the process of self-regulation. 
To continue directly involving citizens and journalists in the maintenance and promotion of professional practices in media reporting. 
To promote the role of the Council of Media Ethics as an actor that is focused on protection and promotion of human rights through the media, by promoting the concept of diversity inclusiveness.

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