In general activities planned as part of the Project are connected with:
- Contribution towards further promotion of self-regulation in the media as a mechanism to improve media conduct and freedom of expression.
- Advancing of national, regional and international networking in the promotion of best practices in the self-regulation and freedom of expression in the country.
- Developing common agenda on freedom of speech between media owners, editors, journalists and civil society representatives.
Институционален грант финансиран од Цивика Мобилитас
Времетраење: јули 2019 – јуни 2020
Буџет: 1,491,477 мкд
Со овој грант се планира поддршка на функционирањето на канцеларијата на Советот за етика во медиумите (СЕММ) и работата на Комисијата за жалби при СЕММ. Активностите кои ќе се реализираат во рамки на овој проект се со цел зголемување на свесноста за улогата на саморегулацијата и зајакнување на комуникацијата и довербата меѓу медиумите, новинарите и граѓаните со СЕММ.
Проект поддржан од МИМ/ЕУ „Кон медиумска „свесност“и ефективна медиумска саморегулација со градење мрежи на соработка “во рамките на проектот „Медиуми за граѓаните – граѓаните за медиумите “
Времетраење: 6 месеци, јуни – ноември 2019 година
Буџет: 4,997 евра
Проектот ќе се фокусира на зајакнување на медиумската писменост на локално ниво, со особен фокус на помладата популација во препознавањето и справувањето со лажни вести, дезинформации и пропаганда.
Во рамки на проектот ќе се реализираат следните активности:
- Продукција на видео кое ќе содржи “едукативни четива” продуцирани врз основа на одлуките на Комисијата за жалби
- Креирање, дизајн и печатење на флаери кои ќе содржат кратки, едукативни, содржини извлечени од одлуките на Комисијата за жалби при СЕММ, поткрепени со етичките принципи и стандарди на професијата
- Организирање дебати низ државата наменети за граѓански организации и млади активисти
- Кампања на социјалните мрежи на СЕММ
Action grant funded by the UNESCO: “Building networks of support for enhanced self-regulation in the media and promotion of human rights”
Duration : 12 months (June 2017 – June 2018)
Budget: EURO 23.995
The activities undertaken as part of the project were:
• Open call/competition for journalistic stories which are in accordance with the professional standards of excellence in reporting, selection and rewarding process for the three most successful stories
• Promoting the awarded journalistic stories in the social networks
• Open day event for presenting CMEM activities and conducting simulation (public meeting) of the Press Complaints Commission’s work
• Participation of two CMEM representatives at the annual meeting of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe (AIPCE)
• Organizing two-day workshop in Macedonia, aimed for sharing of experiences with five representatives of the Albanian Press Council
• Organizing capacity building visit in EU country for CMEM representatives aimed at exchanging practices and challenges referring to the Council of Media Ethics
CIVICA MOBILITAS funded two-year institutional grant

MIM/EU supported project “Through the path of self-regulation to credibility of the media and public trust” within the project “#ReForMedia – Enhancing the cooperation between the civil society, institutions and citizens for implementing reforms in the media sphere”
Duration: 6 months, October 2016 – March 2017
Budget: EURO 9.990
In general, the activities are mainly focused at promotion of CMEM’s work and it’s competences and encouraging of the citizens to participate in the strengthening of self-regulation in the country.
The activities undertaken as part of the Project were:
- Publication on the experience of the CMEM’s work and the results of the Press Complaints Commission work
- Comparative analysis on the practices of the press councils in Europe and the ethical frameworks/recommendations for Macedonia
- Conference on media ethics and self-regulation
- Two debates at universities for promotion of the CMEM’s work
Institutional grant: “Institutional strengthening of the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia” by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands
Duration: 2 years (1 December 2014 – 30 December 2016)
Budget: MKD 7.747.740
In general, the activities in this project were focused at:
- Creating operational conditions for the functioning of the Council on Media Ethics of Macedonia
- Promotion of CMEM and the Code of Journalists of Macedonia to the public
- Creation of a practice of filing complaints to the Complaints Committee
- Activities to raise awareness on professional media reporting
- Initiation of local and regional media cooperation and with membership organizations
- Creating long-term self-sufficiency and strategic plan
Action grant funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy: “Democracy Watch 2015: POLITICAL PLURALISM IN THE MEDIA BEFORE AND DURING ELECTIONS”
Duration: 7 months (November 2015 – May 2016)
Budget: EURO 5.050
In general, the activities in this project were focused at increasing the public understanding and visibility of the role of the Council of Media Ethics, promotion of the CMEM’s role as an intermediary between the public and the media and providing timely and regular alerts about the necessity of rapid remedies in the context of the election reporting and upon the findings/press complaints by the Institute for Communication Studies/School of Journalism and Public Relations.
The activities undertaken in this project were as follows:
- Body responsible for coordination of the response reactions by the CMEM was set up
- Public consultations/debates with representatives of the civil society sector, state institutions and the media on national, regional and local level
- Publication produced compiling a summary of the most frequent cases of press complaints prior and during the elections.
UNESCO funded action grant: “Bringing the actors together for enhanced self-regulation in the media”
Duration: 10 months (March 2016 – December 2016)
Budget: EURO 15.995
The activities undertaken as part of the Project were as follows:
- Research conducted among journalists and civil society representatives on the perceptions of self-regulation in the media and the role of the CMEM
- Four TV debates produced on issues of relevance for self-regulation and media professionalism
- Participation of two representatives of the Council to the World Press Freedom Day conference in Helsinki, Finland in 2016
- Three debates with students at Universities in the country
- Workshop with representatives of the media management focused on the need for support of self-regulation
UNESCO funded project “Inform and be informed”
Duration: 4 months, April 2015 – July 2015
Budget: MKD 229.152
In general all activities were mainly focused on increasing awareness of the citizens throughout the country about the existence and the role of the CMEM, introducing Council’s Managing Board, Executive Office and Complaints Commission, as well as introducing the ways of filing complaints.
The activities undertaken as part of the Project were:
- Debates throughout the country (Bitola, Strumica, Ohrid, Stip, Tetovo and Kumanovo).
- Regional and International networking
- Two representatives of CMEM took part at the conference organized by UNESCO on the World Day of Freedom of Expression, which was held in Riga in May 2015 and one representative of CMEM attended the Annual Assembly of AIPCE (Alliance of Independent Press Councils in Europe) in October 2015.