The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia is launching a project supported by the EU and UNESCO

Among other things and in the frame of this project, CMEM will work on the preparation and presentation of case studies related to self-regulation, debate programs, simulation of work of the Complaints Commission, in front of students and professors, meetings and cooperation with media owners, editors and journalists, etc.

The project aims strengthening of freedom of speech, access to the media, improving the media accountability mechanisms, as well as the internal media management. Fostering media literacy among citizens and strengthening the support of the civil society for the media, as well as fostering the demand for quality journalistic content, will be the focus of this project.

Councils of ethics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Turkey and Albania will also participate in the project.
CMEM is part of the regional network of councils of ethics in the media MediaNethics, and as of October 2015 it officially became member of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe (AIPCE).

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