It is a fundamental purpose of journalism to serve the public through covering news, views, comments and information on matters of public interest and unjustified speculation and rumors should not be presented as facts. The media should not publish materials containing insult or defamation against individuals and groups, unless a careful assessment provides that there is a reason and evidence to believe that this is true and is a topic of public interest.
At the same time, journalists are supported in publishing information and facts that contain criticism of the actions and behavior of political actors if it is contrary to their responsibilities, with the exception of situations in which such information is spread without taking truth into a consideration. If the media hold information about the actions of public figures as opposed to their responsibilities, they have a duty to ensure that the information is of public interest and are obtained fairly, appropriately validated and placed in the right context. We call for cooperation from editors who have the ultimate responsibility for what is published in the media and observance of ethical standards of journalism in order to acquire and maintain public trust in media reporting.
The Council of Media Ethics supports freedom of expression and the satisfaction of the public interest in the media reporting, emphasizing that independence in journalism is key to achieving the aspirations in reaching and maintaining of democracy in the society.
Skopje, 13.05.2015