Handbook: Guidelines for Preventing Corruption and Promoting Ethics in the Media

Media is oftentimes referred to as the fourth pillar of democracy. They play a key role in monitoring and researching the work of public institutions and timely informing the public. Still, the media and journalists are not immune to corruption. Although there is only limited research and awareness of media corruption, there is a broad consensus that the development of an independent, legally protected, professionally managed and economically viable news media is essential to ensuring accountable, responsible and ethical media.

The fight against corruption in the media can include various approaches that will ensure the implementation of appropriate legal frameworks to guarantee the independence and freedom of the media, the transparency in the ownership structure and the accountability for the performed work, to raise awareness about the ethical standards and to promote media responsibility and accountability, as well as to support investigative journalism through technical training.

Handbook: Guidelines for Preventing Corruption and Promoting Ethics in the Media

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