May 2015

Self-regulation in the media in Macedonia – Mission Possible!

Self-regulation is a system of rules that are established by the media to protect their own business and gain more confidence among the public. The essence of the media business lies in information, i.e. through accurate, objective and co… Повеќе... “Self-regulation in the media in Macedonia – Mission Possible!”

Let’s restore and improve accountability in journalism

The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia, on the occasion of the World Day of Press Freedom, appeals for continuation of the discussion to restore and improve media accountability and public confidence in the journalistic profession. Fr… Повеќе... “Let’s restore and improve accountability in journalism”

Announcement for promotion of CMEM in Strumica

Self-regulation in the media as a principle that leads to greater professionalism and ethical standards in journalism and greater trust among the public, is the main topic of the presentation of the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (C… Повеќе... “Announcement for promotion of CMEM in Strumica”

Announcement for promotion of CMEM in Stip

Self-regulation in the media as a principle that leads to greater professionalism and ethical standards in journalism and greater trust among the public, is the main topic of the presentation of the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (C… Повеќе... “Announcement for promotion of CMEM in Stip”

Press release – 13.05.2015

The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia, taking into account the latest developments in the security and political turmoil in the country, appeals to all media to inform in a professional and balanced way, respecting the principle of rep… Повеќе... “Press release – 13.05.2015”

Press release – 05.02.2015

The Press Complaints Commission at the Council of Media Ethics expresses serious concern about the ambiguity of the press release by the Public Prosecution Office dating from 03:02.2015 which asks the media to immediately stop publishi… Повеќе... “Press release – 05.02.2015”
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