Debate on the Civic Involvement in the Media Self-Regulation

The participants from the civil sector, the media and the institutions discussed about the role and the significance of the civic involvement in the support and the promotion of the work of the body for media self-regulation.

“The public is especially important when it comes to the investments in professional and quality work of the media. Democracy requires public debate, not only information. If the self-regulation is supported by the public it will function effectively and the media will be protected from the control by the centers of power”, said Marina Tuneva, Executive Director of the CEMM.

The mechanisms for participation of the public in the work of the CEMM were presented by the President of the Complaints Commission of the CEMM, Mirce Adamcevski. “The communication with the civil sector, especially in the field of human rights protection, as well as the dialogue with the media management, is of particular importance to us. When the cooperation is good, the practice changes in a positive sense”, said Adamcevski.

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“Many media have already publicly emphasized that they support self-regulation. However, that process should not stop here, and it is important for us that everyone reacts to what is going on in the sphere of journalistic reporting. Together, we will be most efficient in detecting the ‘bad’ journalism and affirming the ‘good’ one, said Sefer Tahiri, a member of the Complaints Commission at the CEMM.

The event was organized within the framework of the project supported under the Program “Sustainable Civil Society: Public Funding for Civil Society Organizations” implemented by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) and the Center for Information, Cooperation and Development of Civil Society Organizations (CNVOS)”.

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