May 2020

The Public – a Key Partner for Effective Self Regulation

Media self-regulation implies an effective link among the media, the industry and the public. The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) strongly emphasizes the internal connection and capacity building of its bodies in relation t… Повеќе... “The Public – a Key Partner for Effective Self Regulation”

Open Day of the Media Ethics Council in Macedonia – 31.05.2018

The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) organized its Open Day on May 31st, when the first public session of the Complaints Commission was held. The members of the Commission discussed three adjudications for the media, on the basi… Повеќе... “Open Day of the Media Ethics Council in Macedonia – 31.05.2018”

Call for best journalistic stories 2020

The Council of Media Ethics (CMEM) publishes a Call for Best Journalistic Stories related to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), its challenges and consequences.

Main project activities CMEM – (UNESCO 2017 – 2018)

The Project activities were developed and implemented with the support of Action grant funded by the UNESCO: “Building networks of support for enhanced self-regulation in the media and promotion of human rights”.

Wouter Plomp – regional conference “Challenges for the press councils in the Balkans”. 18.05.2020, hotel “Arka”, Skopje

Rezarta Schuetz – regional conference “Challenges for the press councils in the Balkans”, 18.05.2016, hotel “Arka”, Skopje

Main project activities CMEM – (UNESCO 2018 – 2019)

The Project activities were developed and implemented with the support of Action grant funded by the UNESCO”s project: “Building networks of support for enhanced self-regulation in the media and promotion of human rights”.

Marina Tuneva – regional conference “Challenges for the press councils in the Balkans”, 18.05.2016, hotel “Arka”, Skopje

Media Self Regulation – for Professional Media and Informed Public

The activity is supported by UNESCO and the EU within the project “Building Trust in Media in South East Europe and Turkey”.
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