Press Release for the organized Conference in Bitola “Freedom of expression, freedom of media, and self-regulation

“Only a public that has a critical, not a manipulative function will help assess the freedom of expression and assess the professional work of the media. Otherwise, there always will be a danger of political control, and instead of a vigilant public, we will have controlled institutions and media that control public opinion,” said CEEM Executive Director Marina Tuneva at the opening of the event.

According to the CEMM President, Katerina Sinadinovska, the key problem in journalism is its de-professionalization. “The media and the companies that act as media are filled with poor quality staff, who neither knows nor respects the journalistic standards, nor does they live in line with journalistic mission,” said Sinadinovska.

“Free media give people the power. We say that journalism is public good, let’s prove it. Let us show our commitment to the protection of democracy and the rights of citizens. The best answer to the citizens’ doubts about journalists is by promoting ethical guidelines. That’s why self-regulation is needed,” said Secretary General of the European Federation of Journalists Ricardo Gutiérrez, who also addressed the conference.

According to Sefer Tahiri, university professor, free media serve the public interest, not the interest of the authorities, which means that the media themselves choose and handle the topics they are reporting, without interference of the editorial policy.

“Free media serve the citizens, not the authorities,” said the Executive Director of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia, Dragan Sekulovski.

At today’s event, the Council of Media Ethics promoted the 16th edition of the European Union Contest for the Jean Monnet Award for best achievements in reporting on issues related to Building Trust in Uncertain Times, which is open until November 25. More details about the competition can be found on the following link:

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