Press release

We warn the media that the taking and publication of such contents adds an extra anxiety and public anger over the incident and its consequences. We would like to point out to the editors that sensational reporting has no advantage over the professional and ethical reporting in which it is necessary to take account the consequences of the tragedy for the family. The release of this video breaches Article 8 of the Code of Journalists, according to which “the way of informing in cases of family tragedies must be free from sensationalism.”

Even though this kind of a reporting in some media could be justified with the need to meet the public interest and with the understanding of the severity of the incident, we emphasize that journalists and editors need to respect the privacy of the person, which is in accordance with Article 7 of Code of journalists of Macedonia.

We would like to once again appeal to the media to take into account the purpose and consequences of their reporting, as well as the audience to come into contact with the disturbing content. Moreover, we point out that the editors bear the responsibility that the publication of such a material enables its further wider distribution and access to it by vulnerable citizens and minors, which could cause additional anxiety and consequences of this reporting.

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