Workshop for the Council of Honor of AJM and the Press Complaints Commission, with an expert from Great Britain

The workshop was led by Diane Kemp, an expert from Birmingham University in the United Kingdom, who is a professor of topics related to ethical reporting on sensitive issues and diversity. Kemp was a journalist and editor at the British public broadcaster BBC.

The objective of the workshop was to make a comparative analysis of ethics in the media in Macedonia vis-a-vis the practice in the United Kingdom, through interactive debate and practical work. Many examples from the UK were cited, which were referring, amongst others, to overcoming the problem of the lack of ethics in reporting, through the use of self-regulatory mechanisms. The fashion in which that practice could be applied in our country was discussed as well, taking into account the specificities of the local context.

The meaning of being a professional journalist, our understanding of a “comment”, what is the antonym of “fact”, diversity issues related to hate speech and stigmatisation of minority groups were part of topics within the agenda for this event.

Professor Kemp said: “the cooperation between colleagues and the support from journalists of other newsrooms is very important, especially in the form of mutual mentoring, while following the latest trends”. Moreover, she pointed out that “building the capacities of both organizations, i.e. the Council of Honor and the Press Complaints Commission , and building networks with journalists, media owners, and other civil society organizations, are important to promote the process of self-regulation as a mechanism for raising awareness and ethics in reporting”.

This workshop is part of the regular activities for capacity building of AJM and partner organisations it cooperates with, and is envisaged in the three-year Strategic Plan of AJM. This process was financially supported by the American Embassy in Skopje.

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