Recommendations from the round table on the role and impact of editors in preventing hate speech and discrimination in the media

Following conclusions and recommendations derived from the discussion between participants:
  • Regulatory and self-regulatory body should cooperate, especially in the area of mutual utilisation of resources when dealing with cases of hate speech in the media;
  • Media should report on hate speech, but to highlight it as such and clearly make clear that this has to do with that kind of problem;
  • Increase the engagement of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination in identifying cases of hate speech, especially in the area of punishment;
  • Journalists or individuals who use the media to spread hate speech, should bear the appropriate responsibility, and journalists should unite in their distancing from the media space;
  • It is necessary to have coordination and harmonization between various institutions, organizations and networks in fighting against hate speech and discrimination;
  • The impact of centres of power and political influence on media operations should be diminished;
  • There is a need for professionalization of the work of journalists in the public service and in other media, i.e. focus on continuous education;
  • Self-regulation to be increasingly used as a mechanism for reaction against hate speech, insult, defamation and other phenomena of violations of Code of journalists;
  • Debate should take place whether there is a need for co-regulation in the media, or discussion about the need of introducing amendments in the legal framework;
  • Newsrooms should posses their own Code that will be respected within the newsroom, and Internet portals should agree on internal principles of conduct;
  • New Code on print, electronic and online media to be designed.

„Editors about hate speech in the media

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