The members of the Press Complaints Committee of the Council of Media Ethics exchanged experiences with their colleagues in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The colleagues from Bosnia and Herzegovina reviewed ten press complaints at this session which were addressed to the Press Council, led by the President of the Committee, the University professor PhD Miodrag Zivanovic. The members of the Macedonian Press Complaints Committee had the opportunity to get introduced with the procedures and the practices of their colleagues in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the manner of press complaints handling and the decision – making process, i.e. the explanations of the decisions made.
The members of the delegation from Macedonia actively took part in the work and expressed their opinion for each subject without the right to vote. Part of their suggestions were accepted and integrated in the decisions. This was an opportunity to jointly assess the manner of work and the quality of the decisions made by the two bodies.

The meeting, which took part in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was also an opportunity to exchange experiences in relation to the situation with media freedom in the two countries, about the most frequent violations of the codes of ethics, as well as for the work of the self-regulatory bodies of this kind.

The Press Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the oldest self-regulatory body in the region and is considered the most effective in the area of self-regulation in the media. Its decisions are published by almost all members – founders of the Council, while their attitudes and opinions are incorporated in any potential court judgments on defamation and insult.




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