We would like to remind you that such reporting was made by the Foundation Metamorphosis to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the course of November and December last year followed by reactions on the part of associations of journalists appealing for a more proactive approach on the part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Additionally, we would like to remind you that no measures have been undertaken since then aimed at prevention and sanctioning of such threats. To the contrary, they continue and the policy of impunity is still persistent.
It is inadmissible that the competent institutions, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Public Prosecutor’s Office have not assumed any responsibility in all these past months and have failed to act duly to the open threats addressed to the journalists and to have their personal information disclosed thus being exposed to risk of physical attacks.
Additionally, we would like to remind the institutions that the efficiency of the fight against any threats via social media does not end by identifying the persons addressing such threats among high government representatives which seems to be the practice in the case of public office holders. Our expectations concerning the institutions are not to have double standards in the case of journalists and media workers, and in particular when they are exposed to hate speech and calls for their lynch mob when solely performing their call of duty.