Freedom of the media is undeniable.
Main duty of the journalist is to respect the truth and right of the public to be informed, in accordance to Article 16 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia.
The journalists have a role of transmitters of information, ideas and opinions, and have a right to comment. By respecting the ethical virtues and professional standards regarding the presentation of information, the journalists shell be honest, objective and will report promptly.
Right and obligation of the journalists is to strive to prevent censorship and distortion of news.
Having in mind their role in the building of democracy and civic society, the journalists shall defend the human rights, dignity and freedom, shall respect the pluralism of ideas and opinions, shall contribute to strengthening of the legal state and shall participate in the control over the government and other subjects in the public life.
2. If the journalist is prevented from coming to an information, he/she has the right to inform the public about that.
3. The journalist shall strive to provide publication of correction, denial or reply in cases when given information is found to be incorrect.
4. The journalist shall point out the source of information, but if the source demands to remain anonymous the journalist shall protect him.
5. The journalist shall respect the rule of law and will publish nothing that is on the contrary with the public interest.
10. The journalists shall not consciously create or process information that jeopardize the human rights and freedoms, shall not use hate speech and shall not encourage discrimination of any sort (nationality, religion, sex, social class, language, sexual orientation, political orientation…)
11. The journalist shall observe the general social standards of decency and shall respect the ethnic, cultural and religious differences in the Republic of Macedonia.
13. The journalist ought to make distinction between facts and opinions, news and comments.
16. The journalist shall defend the reputation and dignity of his/hers profession, shall urge mutual solidarity and difference in opinions and will not misuse the media he/she works in for personal vendetta against other persons, including his colleagues.
17. The journalist has the right to refuse a given task if that is on the contrary with the principles of this code.
The journalists who work in accordance to this code enjoy support from their media outlets and professional organization.
In accordance to the Laws of the Republic of Macedonia, the journalists shall accept only the court of their colleagues regarding the profession and shall be free from political and other influence.
The Council of Honor is responsible for observing of the principles of this code.
Skopje 14.11. 2001 Journalists of the Republic of Macedonia