
Careful and responsible reporting about the coronavirus

Concerning the occurrence of a coronavirus case in the country, the Council of Macedonia Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) calls on media to report in professional manner and avoid spreading of fake news.

Media and journalists’ organizations demand unblocking of media reforms

The Association of Journalist of Macedonia (AJM), the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM), the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Macedonian Institute for Media are seriously concerned about the u… Повеќе... “Media and journalists’ organizations demand unblocking of media reforms”

CMEM, AJM, SSNM and MIM: We expect strong committment to media reforms

The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM), the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM), on the occasion of celebrat… Повеќе... “CMEM, AJM, SSNM and MIM: We expect strong committment to media reforms”

Conference of CMEM with the Media Ethic Councils from the region of the Balkans and Turkey

“The self-sustainability of the Media Ethic Councils – myth or reality for the Balkan region and Turkey” was the topic of the regional conference organized by the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) in Skopje,… Повеќе... “Conference of CMEM with the Media Ethic Councils from the region of the Balkans and Turkey”

Jean Monnet Media Award

Tomorrow, 12 December 2018, at 19:00 hrs, at the MKC Club Restaurant in Skopje, the winners of this year’s awards for best journalistic news item, best professional photography and best amateur photography will be announced by Amb… Повеќе... “Jean Monnet Media Award”

Debate on the Civic Involvement in the Media Self-Regulation

“Media Self-Regulation, Interest of the Public and Civic Involvement” is the topic of the debate organized in Ohrid today by the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM).

Press Release for the organized Conference in Bitola “Freedom of expression, freedom of media, and self-regulation

Freedom of media, freedom of expression and self-regulation were the topics of today’s conference organized by the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CEMM) in Bitola.

Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia presented awards for best journalistic stories

At today’s press conference, the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) presented the awards for best story in the area of societal and social life, with focus on the promotion of human rights and the rights of socially vulnerable and m… Повеќе... “Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia presented awards for best journalistic stories”

Press release of the AJM, SSNM and CMEM about the new amendments to the Electoral Code

Amendments to the Electoral Code jeopardize the work and freedom of the media The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), the Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (… Повеќе... “Press release of the AJM, SSNM and CMEM about the new amendments to the Electoral Code”
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