September 2021

Self-sustainability is the gravest and the most difficult to resolve problem encountered by media and media organizations

                        PROJECT: SUPPORT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IN THE MEDIA IN NORTH MACEDONIA Date of meeting/event: 21.09.2021Topic of the event: Self-Regulation and it… Повеќе... “Self-sustainability is the gravest and the most difficult to resolve problem encountered by media and media organizations”

The media workers from the Southeastern region requested systematic support to CMEM as an independent self-regulatory body

                        PROJECT: SUPPORT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IN THE MEDIA IN NORTH MACEDONIA Date of meeting/event: 15.09.2021Topic of the event: Self-Regulation and it… Повеќе... “The media workers from the Southeastern region requested systematic support to CMEM as an independent self-regulatory body”

CMEM appeals for professional reporting on the part of media and transparency of institutions regarding the accident in Tetovo

The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) is deeply concerned with the observed violations of journalistic standards in the reporting on the grave tragedy in Tetovo and the fire break-out in the modular hospital.

The media are to report responsively and not to promote violation of protection measures

The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) hereby appeals to the media for increased responsibility in informing the public about the current pandemic and the protection measures aimed at the population, including the vaccination… Повеќе... “The media are to report responsively and not to promote violation of protection measures”
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