Statute of the Association Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia

Statute of the Association Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia – ETIKA PRESS Skopje

Pursuant to Article 18 and Article 104 of the Law on Associations and Foundations (Official Gazette no. 52/10 from 16/04/2010), the Assembly of the Association Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM), at its session held on 30.03.2017 adopted and enacted its Statute which regulates the activity, organizational structure and functioning of the organization.


of the Association Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia – ETIKA PRESS Skopje


Article 1

The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (hereinafter Council) accomplishes its objectives, tasks and activities on the basis of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Macedonia, based on the Code of Journalists of Macedonia, as well as the other international documents ratified by the Republic of Macedonia which refer to media freedom, freedom of speech and human rights.

The Council is a self-regulatory body with a mission and objectives to promote and protect professional standards and ethics in the media of the Republic of Macedonia.

Article 2

This Statute is in accordance with Article 18, paragraph 1 of the Law on Associations and Foundations and regulates the following:

  • The name and address
  • Objectives of the Council
  • Activities for accomplishment of the objectives
  • Manner of decision-making on enrolling, excluding and terminating membership in the Council
  • Rights and responsibilities of the members
  • Type of bodies and their composition, manner of selection and dismissal, duration of mandate for the members of the bodies and manner of decision making
  • Legal representation
  • Manner of acquisition and disposal of assets
  • Manner of adoption of financial and other reports
  • Manner of achieving transparency and accountability in the work
  • Manner of adoption, changes and amendments of the Statute
  • Manner of decision – making on changes on the Statute and termination of the Council’s work
  • Manner of adoption of plans and programs and handling of funds and/or property in case of termination of the Council’s work
  • Logo and symbol of the Council
  • Manner of adoption of other acts
  • Conflict of interest
  • Manner of settlement of disputes and other issues of importance to the work and achievement of the objectives of the Council.

Article 3

The Council is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization, which brings together its members based on the principle of free will, in order to accomplish the goals and activities determined by this Statute.

Council bases its work on the principles of transparency and accountability and it freely promotes its views and opinions, initiates activities and participates in building and upgrading, protection and promotion of professional standards and ethics in the media in the Republic of Macedonia.

The Council is a body of self-regulation of the media through the application of moral sanctions on those who do not observe the professional standards and the Code of Journalists.

The Council is a legal entity.

It has a seat on the following address: “Teodosij Gologanov” number 54/2, 1000, Skopje.

The full name of the Council is: Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia.

The abbreviation of the Council’s name is CMEM.

The name of the Council in English is Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia.

The Council can change its name and seat upon a proposal by the Managing Board.

A decision to change the seat is made by the Managing Board of the Council.

A decision to change the name is made by the Assembly of the Council.



Article 4

The Council is a body for self-regulation which performs certain level of regulation of media through:

  • Protection of the freedom of the media and the right of the public to be informed
  • Prevention of influence by the state, political parties and other centres of power over the media
  • Protection of public interests by providing independent effective and equitable process of dealing with complaints about the media contents
  • Promotion of quality in the media contents by adopting clear and practical guidelines on the work of the editors and journalists
  • Raising of public awareness on the professional and ethical standards that should be observed by the media
  • Creation of an environment of self-criticism, self-awareness and accountability of the media towards the public
  • Facilitation of public access to the media
  • Continuous development of the Code of Journalists and
  • Reduction of all forms of censorship and self-censorship in journalism.


Article 5

The Council accomplishes its goals set forth in article 4 through the following activities: Promotion and protection of the journalistic profession by promotion and protection of the ethical standards in the media, strengthening of the self-regulation in the media in the Republic of Macedonia.

  • Monitoring of the use of professional standards in the reporting of the media in the Republic of Macedonia
  • Providing of an expert and advisory assistance to the members of the Council and the wider audience
  • Organizing of workshops, training, conferences, debates in order to promote the professional standards and promote the work of the Council
  • Submitting of initiatives to the relevant bodies aimed at creation of conditions for continuous work of the self-regulatory body for the media in the Republic of Macedonia
  • Submitting of initiatives for inclusion of the public in cases where severe violations of ethical and professional performance of the media occurs
  • Exchange of experiences and information with similar associations and other civil society organizations in the country and abroad
  • Publishing books, brochures, bulletins and other types of publications and regular update of the Council’s website in order to achieve Council’s goals.

Article 6

To achieve its goals and responsibilities, the Council works on the basis of the Constitution and the legal framework in Macedonia, the Code of Journalists of Macedonia, the principles of the International Federation of Journalists, and all international documents ratified by the Republic of Macedonia that refer to the freedom of media, freedom of speech and human rights.


Article 7

Member of the Council can be any legal entity registered in the Republic of Macedonia to the competent authorities, performing activities in the field of journalism and the media industry.

One becomes a member of the Council by signing and accepting of the Statute.

Members of the Council are media and associations that work on protection and promotion of media work.

Any media that produces its own informative content in compliance with the professional standards and ethical norms may be a member of the Council.

The decision on acceptance of new members is made by the Managing Board, which reviews the application for accession and identifies if the candidate accepts the Statute and Program of the Council.

Members pay an annual membership fee whose amount is determined by the Assembly.

The Council maintains a register of its members which is updated at least once a year.

Article 8

The members of the Council, according to the provisions of this Statute, have the following rights and responsibilities:

  • To observe the provisions of the Statute
  • To preserve the reputation of the Council in a moral manner and in other ways
  • To select and be selected in the bodies of the Council
  • To actively take part in the accomplishment of the goals and responsibilities of the Council, in compliance with this Statute
  • To review and assess the work of the Council
  • To be informed on time about the work of the Council
  • To participate on all sessions organized by the Council
  • To give suggestions, ask questions and get answers
  • To accomplish other rights and benefits in compliance with the decisions and other acts of the Council
  • To ask for an assistance and support of the Council by resolving professional and other issues
  • To respect and publish the decisions of the Press Complaints Commission, particularly when the complaint refers to their media.

The members of the Council are equal in the accomplishment of their rights and responsibilities.

Article 9

Membership in the Council ceases:

  • By a voluntary withdrawal from the Council on the basis of a written notification to the President of the Council
  • By not publishing the decisions of the Press Complaints Commission three times within a year, when the decision refers to a media – member and if it was previously warned. In this case, reapplying for membership in CMEM has to be after a year from the date of exclusion.
  • By an exclusion from the Council upon violation of the Statute and the decisions of the Council’s bodies or due to a reputation damage to the Council
  • Due to not paying of a membership fee for more than six months
  • Due to termination of the operation of the legal entity
  • Due to termination of the Council’s work.

Decision on the termination of membership in the Council is made by the Assembly following a proposal by the President of the Managing Board. The Council’s member will be notified in written on the exclusion of the Council, with a clear description of the reasons for that.

The person who is not satisfied with the decision of the Council may submit a complaint to the Assembly of the Council within 15 days of receipt of the decision. The Council’s Assembly reviews the appeal at its next session and makes the final decision.

Article 10

Upon a complaint of an excluded Council’s member, the Council’s Assembly may adopt an act which would be in accordance with the law and this Statute, which will specify the manner and procedure for accession to membership and termination of the membership.


Article 11

The Council is composed of the following bodies:

  • Assembly
  • Managing Board
  • Supervisory Board
  • Executive Director.

The bodies of the Council are obliged:

  • To perform the work within their rights and duties in a diligent manner and in accordance with this Statute and other acts of the Council
  • To develop and promote the Council’s work and to inform the membership and public on it
  • To provide a continuous participation of the members in the management and their active participation in the accomplishment of the goals and the activity of the Council.


Article 12

The Assembly is the highest body of the Council and is composed of all its members.

The Assembly elects a chairman and a deputy from the members, prior to the commencement of the assembly.

The President of CMEM convenes and chairs the Assembly of the Council and in his absence this is done by the deputy, at least 15 days prior to its holding. The Chairman of the Assembly shall convene a meeting of the Assembly when it is required at least by one third of the members. The Assembly of the Council may be convened at the request of two-thirds of the members of the Managing Board of the Council.

Article 13

The Assembly of the Council works and makes decisions at public sessions, based on the Statute and other acts of the Council, if the majority of the members of the Assembly attend. The Assembly makes the decisions with a simple majority of votes by the members, unless otherwise specified in the Statute.

The expression of opinions at the sessions of the Council is public.

Article 14

The members of the Assembly cannot vote on issues related to which they have a conflict of interest.

Article 15

Competencies of the Assembly:

  • Adopts the Statute, programme of work, operational procedures and other acts
  • Adopts an annual narrative and annual financial report
  • Elects a chairman and a vice-chairman of the Assembly
  • Elects and dismisses members and deputies of the Managing Board
  • Elects and dismisses members and deputies of the Supervisory Board
  • Performs other activities in compliance with the Statute.

Article 16

The Assembly shall hold at least one session a year, and extraordinary sessions can be convened, if needed.

The Assembly works in accordance with this Statute and the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, which closely specifies the conditions, methods, procedures and required majority for convening, operation and decision – making of the Assembly and the election of persons and bodies under its jurisdiction.

Article 17

The Assembly is convened by a public announcement and with an invitation letter sent to the members by the President of the Managing Board.

The required quorum for the Assembly is a simple majority of the number of members of the Assembly.

The Assembly makes decisions by public voting, except for the election of members of the Managing Board.


Article 18

The Managing Board is an executive body of the Council, which organizes and coordinates the work of the Council between the sessions of the Assembly. The Managing Board implements the program of the Council, the financial plan and the decisions of the Assembly.

Article 19

The Managing Board is consisted of seven members and seven deputies. The Board members and the deputies are elected by the Assembly of the Association for a period of four years, with the possibility of a re-election. Four of the members of the Board are elected from the representatives of media owners and three from the journalists proposed by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. The Managing Board elects a President and a Vice President from its members.

Article 20

The Managing Board convenes meetings as needed and at least four times a year. The meetings of the Managing Board are convened by the President or, in his absence, the vice-president, at least 7 days prior to the session. The members take part at the session, but in case of someone’s absence he/she is represented by the deputy.

Article 21

The Managing Board has the following competencies:

  • Prepares the sessions of the Assembly
  • Prepares the draft – statute and the other acts to be adopted by the Assembly
  • Implements the policy, conclusions and decisions by the Assembly
  • Makes decisions on the use of sources of the Council in accordance with the financial plan
  • Adopts semi-annual and annual balance sheets for implementation of the annual plan of activities
  • Submits periodic or annual reports on its work for adoption at the Assembly
  • Appoints and dismisses members of the Press Complaints Commission
  • Makes decisions on awards and recognitions
  • Decides on the purchase, sale and writing-off the value of the fixed capital
  • Reviews and makes decisions on proposals and reports submitted by the Executive Director
  • Performs other activities that will be trusted by the Assembly in accordance with the law and this Statute and
  • Elects Executive Director with a public announcement.

Article 22

The Managing Board can legally make and adopt decisions by a presence of the majority of the total number of members.

The decisions of the Managing Board are made with a majority of votes of the total number of members.

The expression of opinions at the sessions of the Managing Board is public.

Article 23

The Board’s member may be dismissed from the duty before the expiration of the mandate:

  • Upon personal request
  • If he/she does not take part at three consecutive sessions
  • If he/she damages the reputation of the Council
  • In other cases anticipated in the law or in this Statute and other acts of the Council.

The Managing Board of the Council makes decisions on the termination of the membership and the decision is confirmed by the Assembly of the Council.

Article 24

The President and Vice – President of the Managing Board are at the same time a President and Vice – President of the Council.

Article 25

The President of the Managing Board has the following competencies:

  • Convenes the sessions of the Managing Board upon his/her own initiative or at the request of at least one third of its members
  • Manages the work of the Managing Board and the Council
  • Cares about the implementation of the programme work, decisions, conclusions and directions by the Assembly
  • Issues orders related to the execution of the plan for revenues and expenses of the Council
  • Signs the acts adopted by the Managing Board
  • Independently or together with the members of the Managing Board establishes direct contacts with all entities that can provide financial and other assistance to the Council
  • Prepares analyses, information and other materials for the Assembly
  • Implements other activities entrusted by the Assembly and the Managing Board.


Article 26

  • The Supervisory Board has five members and five deputy members. The members of the Supervisory Board are elected by the Assembly of the Association for a period of four years, with the possibility of a re-election. Three of the members of the Supervisory Board are elected from the representatives of media owners, and two from the journalists appointed by the Association of Journalists.
  • The members of the Supervisory Board elect a President and a deputy from their own composition. The mandate of the members is four years, without the possibility of a re-election. In case of a premature termination of the membership in the Supervisory Board, the new member of the Supervisory Board who will replace the old one completes his/her term.

The Supervisory Board of the Council:

  • Controls the application of the Statute and the other general acts of the Council
  • Controls the material – financial operations of the Council
  • Controls the use of sources and revenues by the Council
  • Submits a report to the Assembly with findings and decisions at least once a year
  • If it considers necessary, in accordance with the Statute of the Council, the Assembly may propose holding of an extraordinary session of the Managing Board of the Council
  • The members of the Board take part at the sessions, but in case if someone is prevented of attending his/her deputy participates.


Article 27

The Council has an Executive Director who is appointed by the Managing Board, with a term of four years and a possibility for a re-election. The Executive Director is responsible to the Managing Board and the Assembly.

The Executive Director is responsible for financial and material work of the Council and reports to the Managing Board.

Article 28

The Executive Director has the following competencies and responsibilities:

  • To carry out the work of the Council in a responsible manner and according to the Law
  • To take part in the work of all bodies of the Council
  • To propose to the Managing Board strategic plan and plan of activities for the current year
  • To take measures and actions to implement the annual plan, the decisions and other acts adopted by the Assembly and the Managing Board
  • To submit annual and periodic reports and financial report for his/her work to the Assembly, through the Managing Board
  • To represent the Council in public upon authorization of the President of the Managing Board
  • Be responsible for the organization and conduct of activities in the administrative and technical service of the Council and other departments, if any, in accordance with the Rules of the job descriptions and the regulations for classification of the job positions
  • Perform other duties in accordance with law and this Statute,
  • To present and represent the Council in legal protection.

Article 29

The Executive Director of the Council may be dismissed from office before the expiry of the mandate from the Managing Board:

  • Upon a personal request
  • If he/she does not perform tasks and duties specified in the contract for the work
  • In other cases as provided by the law and according to this Statute.

Article 30

The decision on dismissal of the Executive Director shall be adopted by the Managing Board.


Article 31

An advisory body works as part of the Council, i.e. the Press Complaints Commission appointed by the Managing Board with a consensus, for a period of four years, with the possibility of one re-election. The Press Complaints Commission is composed of seven members elected on the basis of the following principles:

  • Two representatives of the media owners
  • Two representatives of journalists proposed by the Association of Journalists
  • Three representatives of the public life who are experts in media, ethics in journalism, media law and other related areas.

The appointed Press Complaints Commission elects a Chairman from its composition and one deputy, who are obliged to convene and lead the meetings of the Commission.

Article 32

The members of the Press Complaints Commission shall not be members of the Managing Board of the Council, politicians, or members of political party’s bodies.

Article 33

The Press Complaints Commission has the following responsibilities and competencies:

  • reviews complaints from citizens, legal entities, civic and international organizations regarding the content published in the print, electronic or online media
  • mediates between the persons who submitted a press complaint and the media whose content is related to the complaint
  • makes decisions about the complaints related to potential violations of the Code of Journalists
  • makes recommendations to the editors and the media on prevention of Code violation and the principles of the International Federation of Journalists
  • adopts guidelines and recommendations based on interpretation of the provisions in the Code of Journalists
  • initiates its own analysis on particular important issues related to the provisions in the Code
  • reviews the results from monitoring and research on observation of the professional standards in the media contents and based on its own assessment initiates initiatives for public reaction

Article 34

The Press Complaints Commission of the Council can make a decision with a majority of the total number of members.

Article 35

The Press Complaints Commission meets as needed and at least once a month. The mode of operation of the Press Complaints Commission shall be governed by special Rules of procedure of the Press Complaints Commission, which are adopted by the Assembly upon proposal by the Managing Board.


Article 36

The property of the Council is consisted of cash, movable and immovable property. The movable and immovable property is consisted of fixed assets and inventory.

Article 37

The Council is financed from the following sources:

  • Membership fees
  • Donations and gifts from public institutions, individuals and legal entities, both domestic and foreign, in cash, services and property of any kind
  • Interests, rent, honoraria and similar sources of passive income derived from the accomplishment of the objectives and activities of the Council, as specified by the Statute and
  • Other income in accordance with the law and this Statute.

The amount, manner of payment of membership fee, as well as the use of funds from the fee is regulated by a Decision on the fee adopted by the Assembly.

Article 38

The Managing Board submits an annual financial plan as well as a report for adoption to the Assembly.

If, for any reason, the Assembly cannot meet, the interim financial plan and report will be adopted by the Managing Board. In accordance with the financial plan and program of work, the means of the Council can only be used to achieve the objectives of the Council.

Article 39

In accordance with this Statute and the Law, the Managing Board is responsible for generating, use and management of the resources of the Council. The decisions on revenues, expenditures, covering of the loss and write-off the unpaid claims are made by the Managing Board, in accordance with the financial plan and program of the Council.

The generating, use and disposition of the assets of the Council is established with a financial plan adopted by the Assembly upon a proposal of the Managing Board.

Article 40

The elected representatives of the Council and the other persons can get a financial reimbursement for the expenses related to the execution of the entrusted responsibilities and tasks.

The decision on the reimbursement will be made by the Managing Board of the Council.

Article 41

The financial operations of the Council are conducted in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles, with a responsibility for a semi-annual and annual financial report, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Article 42

The Managing Board can adopt rules and regulations which closely determine the manner of collection and distribution of funds.


Article 43

The Council can merge, split or transform into other association only. The decision of the preceding paragraph shall be adopted by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority of votes of all members. This decision regulates the name and seat of the Council, i.e. the division of property, rights and obligations, as well as other statute issues.

Article 44

The Council may stop working voluntarily or by force of law. The decision on voluntary termination of the work is made at the Assembly of the Council by a two-thirds majority of the votes of all members.

The Assembly also adopts a liquidation plan of the Council, which regulates the distribution of property, rights and liabilities of the Council, in accordance with the law and this Statute, following a previous payment of all legal and contractual obligations. Based on the decisions of the Assembly, the remaining assets, after the payment of liabilities from the previous paragraph, will be assigned to another association that performs the same or similar statutory action.

Article 45

An initiative to terminate the work of the Council can be made by one third of all members of the association in case if:

  • The number of members of the Council is reduced below the legally provided minimum for establishment of an association
  • If the Council does not implement activities two years consecutively and the financial situation is equal to zero
  • In other cases provided with the Law.

The initiative for termination of the Council’s work is submitted to the President of the Council who prepares the material for the Assembly.

Article 46

The Council terminates its work by law and in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 and Article 52 of the Law on Associations and Foundations.

The Council is obliged to report every status change to the relevant Ministry within the statutory deadline.


Article 47

The work of all the bodies of the Council is public. Public work is accomplished through direct informing and through the mass media.

Article 48

The public will be regularly informed on the opinions, conclusions and official decisions of the Council by press releases and the web-page, and the members of the Council will be informed by bulletins, phone, e-mail or a letter sent to the home address of the members.

Each member of the Council is entitled to ask an oral or written question about any conclusion, decision made or segment of work of the Council, i.e. he/she will get a legally valid answer as soon as possible.

The Executive Director of the Council is responsible for its public work.


Article 49

The amendments and changes to the Statute of the Council are adopted by the Assembly of the Council by a simple majority of votes of the total number of members.

The initiative for changes and amendments to the Statute may be submitted by two thirds of the total number of members. The initiative is referred to the Managing Board which prepares proposals for amendments and changes of the Statute. The final amendments and changes to the Statute are adopted by the Assembly.

Article 50

Beside the Statute, the Council may also have other general acts. The bodies of the Council adopt general acts of the Council: regulations and decisions, which must be in accordance with the law and this Statute.

Stamp and a logo of the Council

Article 51

The Council has a stamp in the form of a circle with a diameter of 4 cm., with a written text in a semicircle.

Article 52

The use, storage and destruction of the stamp of the Council is regulated by a special instruction of the Managing Board whose implementation depends on the Executive Director of the Council.

Article 53

The Association has its trademark i.e. logo, which reflects equality, equilibrium, justice and freedom.


Article 54

In the legal sphere, the Council is presented and represented by the Executive Director and the President of the Managing Board within their powers stipulated by the Statute and the law.

Article 55

In proceedings in which the Council participates as a party to exercise its rights, duties and responsibilities to the authorities, the President of the Managing Board may give a written authorization for representation by a lawyer or other professional.


Article 56

This Statute shall enter into force on the date of adoption, and shall be applied from the date of the Council’s registration in the Register of Associations in the relevant ministry.

Article 57

The rationale for this Statute is provided by the Assembly of the Association.


Article 58

The Council will terminate its work if:

  • A decision is made on termination of its existence, in accordance with the Statute
  • A session of the highest body has not been held twice as much from the time set for its holding, according to the Statute
  • There is no final balance sheet made in compliance with the law for two consecutive years
  • A statutory change which provides termination of the Association’s existence
  • With a decision of the competent court
  • Bankruptcy
  • Liquidation made pursuant to the provisions of Article 68-71 of the Law on Associations and Foundations and
  • If the number of members is reduced below the number required for the establishment of the Council.

Article 59

After the legal termination of the Council’s work, the property and assets that remain after the settlement of the obligations are transferred in possession of legitimate successors, which will be additionally determined.

Otherwise, the property and assets are transferred to the Municipality Centre or the City of Skopje.


Article 60

The Statute of the Council is adopted by the Assembly with a simple majority of all members of the Council, and is signed by the President of the Council.

This Statute shall enter into force immediately upon its adoption.

The existing bodies, organs and authorized persons of the Council, following the entry into force of this Statute to the date for the new election assembly, retain their titles and continue to exercise their powers and duties as a technical and transitional solution in a volume and a manner which is necessary for current functioning of the Council, but without taking unforeseen financial obligations, and without making binding and freight acts towards third parties and especially without making internal regulations and decisions, which will hinder, delay or prevent the holding of an election assembly.

All acts that are contrary to what has been said in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be considered invalid and void and will not result in legal action.

Article 61

Immediately after the adoption of this Statute, a procedure shall follow for voting and adoption of the regulations on the procedure for nomination and election of bodies of the Council as defined in the Statute. The nomination and election of the bodies at the first electoral Assembly will be conducted in a procedure according to this Statute and regulations.

Article 62

In a procedure provided with this Statute and the Rules for nomination and election of bodies of the Council, new members of the Managing Board, Supervisory Board, President of the Managing Board, i.e. the Council will be appointed and the newly elected Managing Board will announce a competition for selection of an Executive Director of the Council in the timeframe set by the Assembly.

Article 63

All important issues for the organization, the activity and the work of the Council that are not regulated with this Statute, are regulated with special decisions and rules.

In accordance with this Statute, priority rules that specify the work of the Council, which are the responsibility of the Assembly are:

  • Rules of membership and subscriptions
  • Rules for election and operation of the Managing Board
  • Rules for selection and operation of the Supervisory Board
  • Rules of procedure of the Assembly
  • Rules for selection and work of the President of the Managing Board or the Council
  • Rules for the selection and operation of the Press Complaints Commission

In accordance with this Statute, the rules that specify the work of the Council, and which are adopted by the Managing Board is in charge, are the following ones:

  • Rules for the establishment and operation of sections, working groups and other bodies
  • The Managing Board shall prepare and adopt the regulations under paragraph 2 of this Article, within 30 days after its constitution.

Article 64

The President of the Council will announce a call for convening of the election assembly of the Council, in accordance with the provisions of this Statute, not later than 60 days from the day of Statute’s adoption.

With the provision from paragraph 1 of this Article, it is considered that a decision is made for convening of an electoral assembly and if, for any reasons, the President of the Council does not publish a public call then the working group for preparation of this Statute has a delegated right to publish the call and it will be considered that this is realized in a legitimate manner.

Article 65

Amendments and changes to this Statute shall be made according to the same procedure as for its adoption.

The Assembly of the Council provides an authentic interpretation of the provisions of this Statute at the Assembly session.

Between the two meetings, the Managing Board of the Council provides interpretation of the provisions of the Statute.

Article 66

  1. The program and activities of the Council cannot be directed towards:
  • Violent overthrow of the constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia
  • Encouraging and calling for military aggression and ethnic, racial or religious hatred or intolerance;
  • Undertaking of activities related to terrorism or activities that violate the Constitution or the law and violate the rights and freedoms of others.
  1. The Association is a legal entity.

The Council is responsible for its obligations with all its property and assets.

The members of the Council respond personally and limitlessly for their commitments to the Council, on the misuse of funds of the Council, on achievement of goals of their benefit as individuals which are banned or on the abuse of the Council as a legal entity to harm its trustees.

The members of the bodies of the Council and their legal representatives are jointly liable for the damages caused to the Council in their work, if it is caused by rough negligence or with intent to cause damage, except in cases where they have isolated their opinion and it is registered in the minutes or if they did not take part in the decision making process.

The request for compensation of the damages shall be submitted by the Assembly.

  1. The financial resources of the Council are used for realization of the objectives of the Council designated by the Statute and the Programme for Work.

The members of the bodies of the Council and their representatives are by law obliged to manage and work with caution and in accordance with the principles for good management, in the interest of the Council and above their personal interest, i.e. in the interest of the accomplishment of the objectives, in accordance with the law and by the Statute.

The funds of the Council cannot be given to the members, founders, members of the bodies, legal representatives, employees or persons related to them, except in the case where a member of the Council is the user of the services of the Council, in accordance with the objectives laid down by the Statute and the Program of the Council.

The work in the bodies of the Council is voluntary, and members of the Council may receive compensation for travel and daily costs as well as for work in the bodies of the Council in accordance with the Law.

The employees are entitled to salary and allowances, which will be paid in accordance with the Law, Collective Agreement and the Rules for the payment of salaries and allowances of the employees.

The use and the disposal of the assets of the Council are carried out in a manner determined by this Statute, Rules, and according to the other legal norms.

The Council adopts an annual financial plan on the revenues and expenditures of the Council.

The financial plan contains the revenues are acquired under Article 36 of the Statute, as well as the expenditures for planned activities, for joint consumption of the employees, the material costs for the work of the Council and other expenses connected to the work.